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Adoption Central England supports the national ‘You Can Adopt’ awareness campaign

ACE joins the national adoption recruitment campaign entitled The Journey in its effort to encourage more families to come forward who have been considering adoption.

This campaign reflects the current shortfall in approved adoptive families ACE has many children waiting for adoptive families.

Echoing the sentiments of the national campaign – adoption like any aspect of family life will have its ups and downs and like any journey will have the ‘bumps in the road.’

However, ACE is a well-established regional adoption agency that is committed to offering support to adoptive families along the way

Brenda Vincent Head of ACE comments:

"Whilst we are really pleased that more families have come through ACE to become adoptive parents, there is still a shortfall of adoptive families in the ACE region which covers Herefordshire, Worcestershire, Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire.

We have many children waiting for families, and we are particularly keen for more people to come forward who will consider a ready-made family of 2 or more children.

Prospective adopters have been very positive about the preparation and training they receive through ACE and of the close and supportive relationship they have with their ACE social worker who will guide them through the process.

I would strongly encourage anyone thinking about adoption to go to the ACE website to find out more about adoption, ACE as an organisation, the national campaign, and the support we can offer as people go on their lifelong adoption journeys.”

Solo adoption

"Do not rule yourself out just because you are male and single"

 Read more about a Solo Adopter's Experience (PDF, 64 KB)

Watch: The Journey

Published: 23rd July 2024