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Psychological Health in Adopted Children and Adolescents - Family Members - Training

Course description

Module One: Mental Health

The first workshop in the series covers the concept of mental health as an umbrella term and how it applies to children and adolescents who have been adopted.

The workshop offers opportunities to explore the advantages and disadvantages of various frameworks for understanding emotional wellbeing and how these relate to ‘diagnoses and service provision.

A range of specific conditions and how these might present will be discussed alongside ideas of how and when to access help.

Module Two: Neuro-Diversity

The second workshop in the series covers the concept of neurodiversity (including diagnoses such as Autistic Spectrum Condition and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) in the context of children and adolescents who have been adopted.

The workshop includes opportunities to think about a range of conditions considered ‘atypical’ from a developmental perspective and how these overlap with developmental trauma. Issues relating to diagnosis, service provision and support are also explored.

Dates and times

Module 1

Dates and times:

  • 23 January 2025, 9.30 am to 12.30 pm

Module 2

Dates and times:

  • 8 May 2025, 9.30 am to 12.30 pm
Provider ACE Clinical Psychology Service
Means of delivery Online

A series of two interactive workshops that should be attended in order, as the content and discussion build over the two modules.