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Welcome to ACE Adoption

Adoption Central England is the regional adoption agency covering Herefordshire, Worcestershire, Warwickshire, Solihull and Coventry.


In the region there are many children who need adoptive parents to come forward. Some children are single from a young age and others need a family that will enable brothers and sisters to stay together.

Enquires about adopting with ACE are welcomed from all sections of the community – whether you are married or single or whatever your race, religion or sexuality. However, you will need plenty of patience, humour and energy and the genuine commitment to care and give support to a child or children that will make a real difference to their lives. To find out more and about the process of becoming an adoptive parent please visit the information on the ACE website – Steps to Adoption.

Please email if you require further assistance or advice or ring 0300 369 0556.

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Maintaining relationships (under development)

ACE supports Regional Adoption Agencies working together - Adoption England

Adoption Central England (ACE) is the regional adoption agency for:

  • Coventry City Council
  • Solihull Borough Council
  • Warwickshire County Council
  • Herefordshire Council
  • Worcestershire Children First


  • New Family Social
  • IAC
  • DDP Network
  • You can adopt